What’s it?

“Today I have read a funny meme that in most of the classes girls will be the toppers. But women are only 5% in CEOs and only 25% in politics. What will they do after studying so much???”

I gave it thought. It’s true. But why can’t they achieve what they can?

*Is it because of the family pressures???
*Gender bias???
*Lack of opportunities???
*Lack of intelligence???


Then what’s it???

I don’t feel anyone of the above can stop a women. Women are unstoppable. Situations may not support. People may not undertand. Responsibilities may collide with each other. But that’s not the reason.

The real reason is that WE GIVE UP after a point of time. At present there are plenty of opportunities.  It just needs a little dedication towards our dreams. Oppuritinities are everywhere. Give yourself a chance. Follow your dreams. Is never too late.

What do you think? Let me know your views.

#mindset #success #gender #opportunities

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